Meanderings: On Fingers and Timelines


Episode 15. Matt Asciutto

On this episode of the podcast, our host, Matt Asciutto reflects back on themes from the last episode: No Extra Fingers Left. He particularly finds himself ensorcelled by the notion of timelines and how we compare our lives to the trajectories of the lives of others. 

At the end of the episode he asks a few things of the audience:

First, define what are the valuable aspects of life for you. In other words, what do you want out of this life?

Second, take stock of what you have truly accomplished in this life, particularly paying attention to the things that don't fit within traditional life timelines. 

Third, if you feel behind on something, but that something isn't really all that important to you, work on letting it go. But if you feel behind with regards to something that truly is important, then get moving. 


Listen to full episode :


Didn’t Learn Anything as a Child


No Extra Fingers Left