My Dog Has a Cough and I’m a Flying Wallenda
Episode 10. Al Atkinson
On this very special episode of the podcast we are joined by Al Atkinson. Al and Matt's friendship goes back almost 20 years (back when Matt was fancy-free and still considering being a human neurologist). Matt and Al talk about their time performing improv comedy together, cans of ether, and kids these days.
Dr. Atkinson is a semi-retired general practice veterinarian who graduated from vet school all the way back in 1982 (otherwise known as 'the before times'). When he's not off exploring the world, he can be found picking up GP shifts in both Colorado and Southern California.
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Additional Show Notes:
“The Wallendas fell so gracefully it was as if they were flying.”
If any of you out there found yourselves wondering, “What the heck is a Flying Wallenda?” you’ve come to the right place for clarity. The following was uncovered by the integrous staff of the hard-hitting TGP Podcast…after several billable hours:
The Wallendas began as a high-flying family tightrope act, started by a young German-born rascal named Karl Wallenda in the early 1920s. While touring Europe and other parts of the world, known then as The Great Wallendas (boring!), which included his brother Herman, another fella named Joseph Geiger, and a young fraulein named Helen Kreis (who soon became Karl’s teenage betrothed), they were spotted by none other than John Ringling of Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Circus. We all know the rest, am I right?
Johnny promptly boxed-up and brought those cash cows to America where they debuted at Madison Square Garden; however, their safety net was lost in transit, so they went out above a crowd of bow ties, bowler hats and those long black cigarette holders fancy ladies used once upon a time, being held up solely by their ‘oohs and aahs’ and standing ovations from below. Naturally, they (those profiting most) said, “To hell with those safety nets! We’ve got something here!”
Fast forward a few years of these daredevils performing at great heights with nothing but hard dirt and lion scat below, there was a terrible accident high upon the ropes, many-a-Wallenda went flying (albeit gracefully, as the header proclaims) and thus came their glitzy new moniker, The Flying Wallendas.
The End.
Not really.
Continue learning about this tragic, but new name producing, incident here.
A Celeb-Studded Honor
Through seven generations of Wallenda family tightropin’, you have present day Nik Wallenda, (probably) self-proclaimed King of the Wire. He’s accomplished many feats that would be exhausting to list, but can be found on a very lengthy Wikipedia page here.
What we find most relevant about this man is the heartfelt celebrity montage of congratulatory adulation for his 2022 induction into the Circus Ring of Fame, including A-list appearances from Joel ‘Mr. Feel Good’ Osteen to Pee-wee ‘I Can’t Do This in Public?’ Herman. Please enjoy.
Show notes by: Brian Mars