Tell Me You’re Joking


Episode 12. TJ Muse

On this episode of the podcast we are joined by TJ Muse! Matt and TJ discuss being rich, envelope sizes, and being allergic to the job. Dr. Muse is a relief emergency veterinarian and former medical director of an ER/Specialty hospital based in central North Carolina.

Listen to full episode :

Additional Show Notes:

In the episode we mentioned savoring small moments in the day and I couldn’t remember what that was called. I said “emotional snacking,” but if you Google that you are going to get a lot of information about stress eating. Another topic for another time.

The term is actually “Joy Snacking” (so close) and was coined by neuroscientist and science journalist, Richard Sima. Effectively it is about paying attention to the positive emotions accompanied by the small and even mundane things in life. Not all joy has to come from big events like weddings, birthday parties, or travel. Little morsels savored regularly can go a long way to filling you up.

Find more information on Joy Snacking here.

Or, if you would like to read the article as a comic (because: joy), you can find that here.


Made-Up Medicine-Land


Three Out of Five